
tamoadmin 四字成语 2024-07-07 0
  1. 求好听的英文句子,不要爱情的,要令人回味无穷的,带翻译
  2. 介绍杭州的美食3-5个,要英文的哦
  3. 各种甜点的英文表达有哪些
  4. 北京烤鸭英文介绍

An unforgettable story英文作文:

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, I became a fifth grade student. I was very h***y when I remembered that my sister and I went to Shanhaiguan h***y ocean park three years ago. When we got there early, we saw a sea of people there.

I couldn't wait to run there. There were three districts there. The first is the entertainment area, where there are fountain square, diving pool, combination slide, pirate castle and surfing.


The second is the embassy area, where there are beluga Museum, dolphin Museum, sea lion Museum, seal Museum, shark Museum, turtle Museum, seal Museum and Mermaid Museum.

The most unforgettable thing is that I still steal performances. The staff first took out a circle and hung it on a pole, After the sun, dolphins come out of the circle. Dolphins can also head the ball.

The staff hung the ball high with their hands, and then the dolphins jumped up and pushed the ball up from their head.

Dolphins can also make trouble with their mouths in circles. As soon as we picked up our watch, we had been playing all day. We reluctantly left Ledao.?

Although time has passed for a long time, I still h***e endless aftertaste of this unforgettable thing.





Plum cake

Plum pudding from the Ming period, the development of the Qing Dynasty became the most famous snack south, according to legend during his southern plum pudding and its shape when you see such as plum, color attractive, pretending to taste, imported sweet but not greasy, crisp soft-moderate food for thought, than the court Yu points out, much praised, because of its shape, such as plum, plum pudding will be given names, it has spread. No Reservations Catering Technology Promotion Center in succession, while the traditional production methods, and later joined a ***all lantern, green red berries, pine nuts, rice and other colorful, making it taste more delicious, external focus, tender, and there are red bean paste, jam, nuts so on, several preparation methods, the plum cake and onto a new level, is another snack in the new selling point. Thyme plum cake is flour, bean paste, sugar and other raw materials dozen delicious dining Love Technology Promotion Center baked with a special stove, melt sugar in the coke after the incense, together with colorful decorations, the most charming is a bit tough to eat it wr***ed in red bean shell sand (or jam), then concentrated sweet fl***or, hot and sweet comfort of all to be put in the mouth of the taste buds. Said to h***e a long history, originally Chuanbang a temple fair, when the current supply of snacks holidays. Plum cake making process is very simple, but the technical requirements is very high, mixing, forming, heat must be just right. Required a special mold made, the plum-shaped hole 19. Until the fire burned red, the first hole with a brush to brush oil copper mold and then injected into the mold thin batter holes, half deep enough, put a red bean paste, then add batter die hole, until the die hole is filled, sprinkle some red and green wires in the above, melon seeds, covered with metal cover baking. Patience to wait 8 minutes, one fresh, sweet plum cake to finish it. The pastry chef will be careful with bamboo sticks plum cake you want to pick out from the die hole, put a ***all piece of paper handed to you and kindly advised the Road "bite slowly, slowly biting Oh, do not hot in the mouth come out of a bubble. "However, such an attractive little thing, and before he finished, already can not wait to bite, so the master of laughter, realizing his earlier advice, but my heart it is extremely satisfying.


花糕源于明期,发展到清朝时成为江南最著名的小吃,相传乾隆皇帝下江南时见梅花糕其形如梅花,色泽诱人,故作品尝,入口甜而不腻,软脆适中,回味无穷,胜过宫廷御点,大加称赞,因其形如梅花,便赐名梅花糕,故流传至今。 美味情缘餐饮技术推广中心在继承了传统制作方法的同时,后又加入小元宵、青红果、松子仁、五彩米等,使其味道更加鲜美,外焦里嫩,而且有豆沙、果酱、果仁等十几种配制方法,把梅花糕又推上了一个新的境界,是目前小吃中的又一个新卖点。百里香梅花糕是由面粉、豆沙、白砂糖等十几种原料经美味情缘餐饮技术推广中心用特制炉具烘烤而成,熔化后白砂糖的焦香,再加上五颜六色的点缀,最迷人的是吃到那有点韧的外壳包裹中的赤豆沙(或果酱),那浓缩的甜香味,滚烫的甜蜜安慰着口中所有待放的味蕾。据说有悠久的历史,原是船帮赶庙会、逢年过节时流动供应的小吃。梅花糕的制作过程很简单,但技术要求却很高,调浆、成形,火候都要恰到好处。制作时所需的特制模具,内有19个梅花状孔。待炉火烧得通红,先用刷子将铜模子孔刷上油,然后把稀面浆注进模孔里,一半深就够了,放上豆沙馅,再将面浆加入模孔,直至模孔被注满,在上面撒些红绿丝、瓜子仁,盖上铁盖烘烤。耐心等上8分钟,一个个新鲜、可爱的梅花糕就出炉了。细心的糕点师傅会用竹签把你要的梅花糕从模孔中挑出,放在一张小纸上递给你,并好心地叮嘱道“慢慢地咬,慢慢地咬哦,不要在嘴巴里烫出个泡来。”可是,这么诱人的小东西,还没等他说完,早已迫不及待地咬上一口,于是在师傅的笑声中,实现了他刚才的劝告,但心里却是极其满足的。


 1、Be yourself and stay unique. Your imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, and valuable.

做最特别的自己,正因为你的不完美,你才如此美丽、可爱、珍贵!  2、Memories can make you ***ile, but it can very well make you cry hard.


3、Giving up doesn’t mean you’re weak, sometimes it means you’re strong enough to let go.


4、By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich.


5、Heart is a fertile place. Anything planted in it will grow whether it’s love or hate.


6、Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


7、Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us.


8、Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

 9、As long as you are still alive, you will definitely encounter the good things in life.





Dried radish is a specialty of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It is an outstanding representative of Jiangnan pickle technology.?

Dried radish is dehydrated and processed by traditional technology, which takes 300 days to make. Its taste is delicate and crisp.




Longjing shrimp is a famous traditional dish in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.

Longjing shrimp combines tea with shrimp. The whole shrimp is fresh, soft and tender. The shrimp is jade white, fresh and tender. The buds and le***es are fragrant.?

The color is elegant. There is tea fragrance in shrimp and fresh shrimp in tea. After eating, it is refreshing and ***etizing with endless aftertaste.



Dingsheng cake is a kind of Su style cake with light red color, soft, fragrant and waxy, and sweet bean paste fl***or.

It is said that people in Suzhou made the cake specially for Han Shizhong's army in the Southern Song Dynasty to encourage the soldiers.?

The word "Dingsheng" ***eared on the cake, which was later called "Dingsheng cake".



Lotus root powder is a famous and special product in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, which belongs to Zhejiang cuisine;?

Its unique fl***or, rich in nutrition, was used to provide "tribute powder" for the royal family.



Cream cake is a traditional food with a long history in Hangzhou. It is mainly made of flour and sugar. It can be used as a cake or snack on the table.



 butterfly cookies 蝴蝶酥;

 pumpkin pie 南瓜饼;

 caramel 焦糖卷;

 cookies 曲奇;

 doughnut 甜甜圈;

 puff 泡芙;

 pudding 布丁;

 egg tart 蛋挞;

 waffle 华夫饼;

 mousse 慕斯

 sponge cake 海绵蛋糕;

 cheese cake 奶酪蛋糕;

 black forest cake 黑森林蛋糕;

 苹果蛋奶酥 ***le souffle

 奶酪蛋奶酥 cheese souffle

 水果冻 fruit jelly

 果冻 fruit jelly

 菠萝冻 pine***le jelly

 巧克力冻 chocolate jelly


 The desserts shop's advertisement

 I think that it can draw one cup in the right below.At first,You can recommend to some drinks,special drinks,write in the black board.At second,you can recommend to some set meals,looks like France people will recommend one Macalon get one black coffee,and you can get one humbuger,this is the first set meal.At third,the second set meal,you can put the

 chicken rolls,you can get one cup of soft drink.It's good to your health.You also need notice to the black board's write colour,you should be at match.

 To know Hong Kong dessert, big good eight remember must make their mark. This shop history can be traced back to the 1940 s guangzhou, founded the per capita uncle was already in guangzhou h***e two dessert shop, because he is a great lover, shunde, in the home ranked eighth, so called big good eight remember. Later, in the 1950 s closing, come to Hong Kong to toss a few job, finally in the 80 s find a good partner, decided to restart the industry, big good eight remember signs to rescue dawn. Now it has become of the old Hong Kong, kelly and cardinal signs very grab an eye, the environment clean and bright, in addition to the locals outside, also deeply welcome Japanese tourists.

 One of the distinctive features of old, is JingGui food choices, so the dessert is only ten paragraph of paste class desserts h***e accounted for half, like almond paste, walnut paste, sesame seed paste and so on. The most unique, wants to count it pioneering coconut paste, fresh coconut shreds and coconut meat ground into juice, and hybrid rice milk boil thick paste. Program looks be like simple, actually very spend time, because coconut shreds may only a ***all amount of grinding, or grinding machine can't ***ooth operation, make the process becomes he***y and complicated. In order to adhere to the daily fresh system, coconut paste on Sunday only supply above cheesecakes are ***ailable while stocks last.



 蛋黄,在烘焙中不仅仅是做为食材用以其中,在作品进炉前涮上薄薄的.一层蛋黄液,增色增香。 做法式紫薯派中多出来的紫薯泥,也不想就这么直接吃掉,还寻思着如何让它发挥另一个作用,看到家里的白方包和香蕉就有主意了,紫薯泥太少,添入香蕉,营养更丰富,而又添入的芝士奶香味更浓,咬一口还拉着丝,孩子可喜欢了。


 做法: 1、备好食材。 2、香蕉切细条。 3、白方包切去四边。再用擀面杖擀压一遍。 4、放上奶酪芝士碎,挤上紫薯泥。再放上香蕉。

 5、卷起来,接口处用蛋黄粘住。 6、摆入烤盘中。涮上蛋黄液。烤箱预热190度,上下火。 7、入烤箱。转为175度,烤制约10分钟。 8、香香脆脆,好美味哦。 小贴士: 1、紫薯泥是加了淡奶油搅拌过的,也可能加入牛奶或直接用紫薯泥也可以。 2、烤的时候温度不要太高,以自家烤箱脾气来调整。

Beijing roast duck


Beijing roast duck dishes are signs Beijing is also my hotel for your point of a Specials. It's unique in its own production - is made of Ganoderma lucidum and Ceriops tagal form, not only taste delicious, rich content and nutritional value. "Coke, in the tender, Crisp and not tired" is the biggest reason for its popularity. At the same time you can choose Dierdaocai, duck soup or fried duck silk, duck-song, they give you taste the same on the harvest. Commissioner duck, is a cooler of good ingredients, which contains protein, lecithin, vitamin A group, B group, and other trace elements, and nicotinic acid, and so on. Hotel-age life in this campaign for the Beijing duck material, seven teachers use the patented technology, combined with luxurious duck made of the fungus, the statue is not greasy, importers Susong of slag, low-fat oil-free characteristics Obviously, not only duck Quhuo meat cooler, Pinggan Mingmu, the fungus can also enhance human immunity, Bieyoufengwei. Diverse ingredients, Xiangsu attractive.